The end and The Station Agent
Well the tv season came to an end yesterday.Taylor Hicks was crowned the next american idol on a very entertaining finale.The idea to have the age requirements raised was an excellent idea as we probably watched the most talented bunch this season.Several of the top 12 are capable of getting record contracts, funny thing is I think Chris may sell more records than the final two.Its nice to see a 29 year old get a chance at fulfilling his dream when most of the time by 29 you are normally too late to get into the game.
Lost ansewered several questions last night while leaving a couple unanswered.We found out what may have caused the plane to crash, who owned the boat but the more interesting thing was the ending where some dudes found an electromagnetic anomaly which may have been from Desmond turning that key and the ensuing drama.Michael got Walt back and sped of in a crappy boat in search of rescue although it remains to be seen if he will be successful.Apparantly "Henry Gale" is the leader of the "others" and now has Jack, Sawyer and "freckels" (sp) in custody wth Hurley being released to go back to the camp and tell the others to never attempt to come to that part of the island.All in all it was a good episode and am interested to see what develops next season.
This tv season was probably the most enjoyable in a long time.New shows, Prison Break, What about Brian?, heck even the cancelled Conviction were fun to watch.It was a ratings war all season with many shows getting the axe or coming to an end leading to an uncertain future as new shows prepare for lauch next season.There are a couple of good shows from the glimpses I have seen but we all know none of that matters if no one watches their premieres.I had a blast and as we delve into re- run hell it will be good for me to catch up with shows I missed like , las vegas, csi so atleast there is that although mostly I will be watching movies and living on netflix until the new season begins in 3-4 months.
I watched a good movie last night, called the Station Agent about a dwarf named Vinnie who moves to inner New Jersey after inheriting a piece of land.His struggles to fit in with his size, it was interesting to watch especially considering he preferred mostly to stay by himself and was a man of few words, the vendor Joe played by Bobby Canavale was well acted and amusing at times, Patricia Clarkson was good as usual in her role as a separated wife trying to come to grips with the loss of her marriage and son while at the same time befriending Vinnie.I highly recommend you check it out it was a very nice movie.Independent movies are where its at considering the amount of drivel in the theatres nowadays.The new Superman looks interesting, should be interesting to see how it does with a relatively unknown actor playing Superman, if that does well the dude is on his way to major stardom.I guess its cheaper to cast an unknown as he won't demand much money especially considering they probably have him locked up for atleast 2 movies although eventually he will get paid especially if the movie does well, I predict it will do a minimum of 200 mill domestic you heard it hear first! adios.