Monday, May 08, 2006


Grey's was good as usual.Yang fell asleep while having sex with Burke claiming she was tired and had "finished" twice however Burke hadn't finished once!hehe.Shepard literally called Meredith a whore leaving her to say she is banging all these dudes because he dumped her.There was a tear jerker moment when a dude who had caused a fatal accident asked to apologise to the family of the dead patient.The scene between him and the father of the dead patient was well acted and directed, if you didn't choke up a lil bit atleast you have some problems.George neglected to defend the hygiene behaviour of his squeeze which was amusing.Breaking news!!! George actually said a few words to Meredith and ACTUALLY looked at her when speaking to her, guess he is trying to put that debacle between them behind them.Danny or Denny had some issues with his heart pacemaker leading to Izzy once again comforting him which is actually against policy, guess you shouldn't get attached to patients.Overall the season is coming to an end with a 3 hr 2 day season finale which should be great, can't believe summer is almost here and we will soon be in re run hell although it will give me a chance to catch up with some shows I haven't watched all season.Well today promises to be a good night with loads of watching material Blaine, deal or no deal, prison break, bauer and the season hopefully not series finale of what about brian? let's go...........


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