Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Sleeper cell season one

I stumbled onto this supposed mini series a week ago.It is a show that was on Showtime and was meant to be a mini series however it appears it will be back for another season.The show centers on an undercover FBI agent named Darwyn who is a muslim and is undercover in a sleeper cell in the Los Angeles area.The plot is well written and acted, the show made me weary that such a cell may very well exist.The show unravels as the cell is planning a major attack after 9/11 Darwyn must keep the FBI informed on the developments and assist in stopping the attack.Showtime is quickly becoming a powerhouse cable network with This show, Weeds, The Brotherhood and recently Dexter.HBO better watch their back especially after The Sopranos comes to an end to me the only shows they will have left will be the last season of The Wire and the addicting Entourage after that there is nothing of significance, they need to step up to the plate as they had been coasting when they had, SFU, OZ, The Sopranos,The Wire, Sex and the City, Deadwood, most of these shows are either gone or are soon to be gone.

In other news Studio 60 was good this week, Amanda Peet , Steven Weber are doing a good job in their roles the interesting part this week was the apparent affection Bradley Whitford's character has for Jordan oh and Matt planting a fast one on Harriet was funny.This show is well written and acted however it needs a new time slot pronto.Heroes was also very good this week with the revelation that Peter is the bomb , that hiatian dude talking was also interesting can't wait for next month when it continues.Friday Night Lights was awesome yestereday with Matt stumbling along on his date with the coach's daughter.The HOT Layla Garrity had a rough day being dismissed by Jason.Tyra getting livid that Tim had slept with Layla was amusing cause Layla is everything Tyra wishes she was.They are both gorgeous though.Smash needs to stop taking those drugs pronto although the pressure to succeed is very high especially in that town.We are about to get into rerun hell which sucks, this is where having a Netflix membership comes in handy.Today I start watching the first half of The Sopranos season six see you after completion.


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