Sadie, Neela
The O.C was quite good.Sadie is the latest gal to fall for Chino boy and she is ssssmoking, toss up as to who is hotter her and Marissa.Ryan finally decided it was not his business what Marissa did as he was or is not her girlfriend so hence she is no longer his responsibility.Marissa unfortunately is spiralling out of control as she is now taking cocaine from that douchebag surfer dude.That dude who worked for sandy got beaten up after threatening to go to the media with proof that that doctor had some shady dealings.Overall it was a good episode with lots of drama as it should be.
E.R was very good.This is a show I have been watching for what seems like a lifetime. The cast nowadays is fresh and entertaining with Pratt philandering around, Neela fleeing feelings she may have for her roommate, plus the stories are still strong last night's episode featured a girl having a bad reaction to extasy and a deaf black dude getting beaten up by cops what else is new? Otherwise the episode was very good especially the part where Neela's roommate tried to stop her from moving out by saying she was the best friend he had ever had with both of them knowing that the last thing he felt for Neela was friendship, he was or is into her big time.Should make for some interesting moments in the ER or when Gallant gets back, actually it would be good for Gallant to see his wife having feelings for another dude it would make him realise exactly how lucky he is to have her.Anyway it was a good night may we have many more.....