Deal, Lord of War, The Manchurian Candidate
Deal or no deal is quite the addictive show.I like NBC'S move of limiting it to 2-3 nights a week.It's amusing to see people get greedy and turn down hundreds of thousands of guranteed money and leave with much less.
Lord of war is a Nic cage movie about an arms dealer and is based on true events.Am a fan of Nic cage and think he acts well.In this movie we see just how big business arms dealing is.We also see just how dangerous it can be.This was an interesting good movie which I recommend you see.
The Manchurian Candidate is a very good movie.Denzel stars as a captain who was part of a plot to implant a drone to power.Denzel gives a good performance when does he never? Liev Shreiber does a good job together with Meryl Streep.At the end of the movie I wondered if what I saw is capable of happening in this day and age and figured why not? the technology is there am sure but the thought of this happening is sickening can you imagine having the power to control a president of the most powerful nation in the world? frightening as you can see.Have a good one.
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