Monday, February 20, 2006

Spontaneous Orgasms, The Island, Sahara

Grey's Anatomy continued its great episodes with quite possibly its best one yet!.In this episode Mark the dude who slept with Dr. Shepard's wife enters into the mix and gets a quick roundhouse punch to the cheek courtesy of Shepard.He apparently has designs on hooking up with Shepards wife again, wow what a best friend to have, betrays you and then attempts to do it again!.Preston lays out his heart to Christina due to the fact that she didn't tell him that she still had her old apartment after leading him to believe she had moved in with him.Omalley gets some cajones and tells Meredith how he feels about her and she promptly removes his shirt and sleeps with him leading to inevitable problems considering she doesn't feel the same way he does.Izzy is attempting to stop sleeping with korev but is failing miserably hey if you fail at anything it may as well be enjoyable!.There was a woman who apparently was having spontaneous orgasms which was hilarious, her father was calling them "Episodes" hehe.Meredith found out that her mum was being bedded quite well by one of her bosses head of surgery, she then decides after 20 yrs to go see her dad and ask her why he didn't fight for her mother and just bailed leading to an awkward moment as he attempts to offer her any help she needs? after 20 yrs I seriously doubt there is anything a parent can do after not talking to their child, the wounds are probably too deep or terminal at this point.Again if you are not watching this series you are missing out big time I can assure you.

The Island was crushed by critics and was also very expensive to make and marked one of the few duds Michael Bay has ever made.However it interested me so I gave it a shot.I must say I was impressed a great deal and enjoyed it.The cinematography was top notch although if you are not a fan of sci fi like flicks you might not enjoy it much.The movie was about clones specifically two realising that there was actually no island when they were promised they were going there it actually meant they were going to be donating a body part and most likely dying.All in all I enjoyed it.

Sahara interested me because am from Africa so I was intrigued.The idea of searching for something that was lost many years is fun especially if you find it.This is the movie where Mathew Mc met Penelope Cruz who is as beautiful as ever.I enjoyed it as well a bit predictable but if you want an action packed flick this is for you.



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