Tuesday, January 24, 2006


24 was as predicted veeeeeeery good.Audrey seeing Jack after she thought he was dead was good stuff apparently she may still want him so with all the stuff Jack has on his plate he may have 2 babes after him hehe who would not like to be Jack Bauer? The president's wife has gone awol and his chief of staff is about to be busted though how to do that will be quite a task to accomplish.This president seems to have a lot on his plate and doesn't seem to know what to do half the time unlike David Palmer.That knucklehead Chloe banged apparently was being lied to and almost had Jack killed.

In other news West Wing is going to end its run in May.It was quite a show, a regular critic fav and a billion emmys and globes.It apparently has run out of steam and with John Spencer dying any hopes it had went with him.R.I.P. 7TH Heaven is also ending its run it was a really good show but it became too expensive and apparently it has been losing the network money the last few seasons.Also the wb and upn are combining this fall to form CW as they both tried to compete with the big four but failed to hang with the big boys so a merger is a good idea.

Otherwise that's all for today have a nice day cya manana.(sp)


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