Saturday, August 26, 2006

Annapolis, Tom Cruise

This movie was quite good in my opinion.I always enjoy these type of films.Jordana brewster is scorching as always phew!.This movie is about a guy who tries out for the navy and the trials and triblulations that go along with it.Tyrese I must say played his role very well.James Franco is a good actor too bad he is rarely seen unless its the Spiderman sequels.The Emmys are tomorrow and am looking forward to them.Am amazed that Hugh Laurie wasn't nominated and Lost wasn't as well.Should be interesting to see what develops, it will be atleast entertaining with Conan, he is a funny dude so he should entertain us as the show drags on for 3 hours.Would have been interesting if Tom Cruise was presenting an award considering the very public divorce between him, his partner and Paramount.

Speaking of Cruise I really don't think he is nuts as many seem to believe.If he chooses to believe in Scientology that's his perogative, the jumping on Oprah's couch was startling but what's wrong with a little excitement at being in love?.It is amusing how when he chooses to express his feelings to the public they treat him like he has gone of the deep end especially considering how fiercely private he was before Tomkat.The funny thing about his split with Paramount is he now stands to make even MORE money with other financers which I find amusing.Lets face it they both made each other boatloads of cash so for Redstone to run his mouth that the split had to do with Tom's actions is weak very weak.Infact Redstone may have cost Paramount many millions in splitting with Cruise.Lets not forget Cruise is not only the biggest star here he is also a massive star worldwide where they don't care about Tomkat like people here.Personally I will watch any movie he does that interests me now I had a crush for Katie Holmes so with him hooking up with her AND having a baby was mildly annoying I still enjoy his movies.All eyes will be on Tom's next movie.Now I disagree with what he said about anti depression drugs that is info he should have kept to himself attacking Brooke Shields was not a good idea and ranting to Matt Lauer was also poor judgement.If there is anything I find annoying it's celebrities trying to tell you what is not good for you and what is, I prefer to make my own decisions thank you very much.Yes that goes for you too Oprah.


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