Tuesday, November 29, 2005

Prison Break

Boooo we will have to wait a long time to see exactly how the convicts escape now that that damn pipe has been replaced.Lincoln is about to get the chair.Did anyone see Mike removing that vomiting inducing tablet from his arm coming? wow that was some good stuff right there.I like how that Doc pretends she doesn't give a damn about Mike but when he touches her she stays very still feeling his touch, probably trying to fight her feelings, I would bet good money that if he kissed her she would not resist one bit.

Something funny was that dude who cheated his wife or girlfriend that he was in Iraq when in reality he was locked up.That secret service dude is no joke, he will kill you in an instant as evidenced by his murdering of his partner.Well we will just have to wait until next year to see what happens.Hopefully the fans will not dissappear, although I doubt they will once they start showing promos of the show next year that will get the blood boiling for the return of the show.As I said before watch for Wentworth Miller to become a star sooner rather than later.

In other news Harry Potter continues to decimate all comers as it continued its rein on the charts already over 200million.For some reason I am always intrigued by how movies do on weekends ever since I can remember.It doesn't really factor in to what I will eventually watch, but it still intrigues me, my dream would be to be paid to watch movies and review them.That would be the best job ever even watching television series and reviewing or writing about them kind of what am doing now would be great.I have always been fasinated with hollywood, all the movie stars and their problems even when they do stupid things like anounce their engagements only to break up a second later I still keep on coming back for more.

Well thats all for today cya later comrades..............


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