Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Prison Break, C.S.I Miami

Prison break is getting more interesting week by week.It's fun to see Michael Scoffield dissect the prison on the inside with remarkable precision.It will definitely be interesting to see exactly how the prisoners break out.That doctor is quite hot I must say hopefully she will still be there next season.It was funny when that nosy prison guard bribed or rather coerced that eminem wannabe to agree to report on what Michael is doing.The prison guard might make the escape a tad difficult for he is not a dummy to say the least.During the ad breaks I saw a promo for 24 and realised just how better the show is than many of the shows on tv today.It will be interesting to see if fans of PB stay on through the long hiatus the show is taking.In my opinion a good way to ensure the fans stay is to have an action packed cliff hanging episode that will have fans drooling for the coming months.

C.S.I Miami was also good featuring an episode where hardcore gamers decide that killing people in real life is much more enjoyable.I enjoy my fare share of games but am not to the point where I have to pee in a bottle coz I can't walk the few steps to the bathroom.I was thinking that the makers of these games should somehow stop their games for atleast a half hour forcing the gamers to take a break, get something to eat ,take a shower, stretch their legs or whatever.I think this would be a good thing especially considering how many teenagers play video games.I feel their growth may be stunted if all they do is play games all the time, at the very least their social development is stunted considerably.It amazes me how someone would consider acting out what they see on their games to people in real life.

After watching this episode one may be left with the feeling that games are bad but that is not the case.Yes there are violent games but there are also racing games sports games and if all are done in moderation one can enjoy oneself immensely.Does anyone remember the show John Doe? It was on fox and starred Michael Scoffields brother, it was quite good and I enjoyed, it pity it didn't do well in ratings and just simply vanished from the schedule.On another subject how many times can you lose a close game to a game ending field goal?.......cya tomorrow.


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