Friday, November 25, 2005


Only thing I watched yesterday was C.S.I.It was good as usual, this episode featured a thanksgiving theme where apparently people eat a lil bit too much.There was a dude who had a sickness were he felt like eating all the time leading to him eating himself to death.I was able to learn that a full stomach can take 1 litre of food or can expand to accomodate 4 litres max this dude had eaten 6 litres of food so his stomach got enlarged smothering his lungs and killing him from not being able to breathe.

Thanksgiving is a day to give thanks so I would like to give thanks that am alive, have a roof over my head, my family is well among other things.The falcons mauled the hapless lions, Steve Mariucci is awaiting the inevitable phrase "You are Fired!".The Denver Broncos and Cowboys actually provided an entertaining game coming down to the Cowboy's kicker missing a field goal in regulation.People have very little patience or sympathy for kickers as they only have one job and that is to kick so if they fail they will unfortunately get the wrath from everyone.Hope you all had a good fulfilling thanksgiving cya all on Sunday ahh before I forget by now you have heard that Jessica Simpson and Nick Lachey have called it quits, it would be safe to assume that Nick got tired of Jessica getting all the pub and deals leading to mucho dinero. I wonder if there was a pre nup? speaking of marriage with the amounts of break ups in hollywood its amazing how the press and print rags go gaga when a couple announces their engagement ,then the wedding is mauled by paparazzi only for the marriage to last 3 seconds.

At this rate vegas should be taking and making big money when a hollywood couple announces their upcoming nuptials I would take the under in these bets all the time.................


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