Sunday, April 02, 2006

25th hour, Raising Victor Vargas

Well I watched two good movies this weekend.I started of with 25th hour starring Ed norton, Barry pepper, Rosario "hot" Dawson.The movie is about a guy Ed who has one day to go to jail on a heroin charge for upto 7 yrs.The movie follows him as he says goodbye to his friends, father and girlfriend.The pivotal part or my favourite part was where he asked his best friend to beat him up so that he looked tough when he went to jail, it made me actually think how difficult of a task that was for someone to do for his best friend.Overall the movie is a must see if you enjoy good drama's.

The other movie I watched was Raising Victor Vargas.I heard some buzz about this movie on the independet level and boy was it deserved.The movie is about a young guy who is the resident playboy getting all the girls, he is caught romancing a overwieght girl and his reputation is put to the test so to restore it he attempts to hook up with the hottest chick in his neighbourhood.Unfortunately it is not as easy as he is used to and she is quite a challenge.His plan was to just hookup with her to show he is till the MAN but he ends up feeling for her and the story rotates from there with some other stuff going on as he , his brother and sister are raised by their grandmother.I found myself highly entertained and highly recommend it .After watching this movie and Maria full of grace am starting to wonder if the general public is really aware of what great ,good independent movies are out there.There is a lot of garbage released by hollywood these are the kinds of films I would feel deserved my money at the theatre.Anyway I seem to have a knack for picking some good flicks hopefully it continues.


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